Working mom’s are like superhumans...raising kids, taking care of their family, and managing a professional career. The majority of domestic responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the woman and put self-care last on their to do list. With never-ending to-do lists, work deadlines, and family responsibilities, it's no wonder that self-care often takes a back seat. According to 2022 Harris Poll data commissioned by CVS Health® m ore working mothers have been diagnosed with anxiety and/or depression (42%) than the general population (28%), their coworkers without kids (25%) and even working fathers (35%). Working mothers were also more likely to report that their mental health had worsened in the last year (33%). Their diet tends to be erratic: skipping meals, and making unhealthy choices since they are always in a rush and don’t have time to prepare meals. Poor sleep & nutrition, lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle can lead to depression, anxiety, weight gai...
Hi, I am Stephanie, a Doctor of Pharmacy and owner of Master Her Health. I help women in their 40s get more energy, build confidence, and lose lower belly weight so they can live a life they love.