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Showing posts from July, 2023

• How Self-Care for Busy Moms Contributes to Your Health

  Working mom’s are like superhumans...raising kids, taking care of their family, and managing a professional career. The majority of domestic responsibilities fall on the shoulders of the woman and put self-care last on their to do list.  With never-ending to-do lists, work deadlines, and family responsibilities, it's no wonder that self-care often takes a back seat.  According to 2022 Harris Poll data commissioned by CVS Health® m ore working mothers have been diagnosed with anxiety and/or depression (42%) than the general population (28%), their coworkers without kids (25%) and even working fathers (35%). Working mothers were also more likely to report that their mental health had worsened in the last year (33%). Their diet tends to be erratic: skipping meals, and making unhealthy choices since they are always in a rush and don’t have time to prepare meals. Poor sleep & nutrition, lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle can lead to depression, anxiety, weight gain, high bl

How a healthy smoothie a day can change your life

  For years, my alarm would go off at 4:50am, I would snooze for 10 minutes, then the smell of my coffee brewing (that was already set up the night before) would drag me down the stairs to my kitchen. I didn't have much time to make breakfast while I was getting ready for work, packing up a lunch, and getting my daughters ready for daycare. I would make oatmeal in the microwave, or a piece of whole wheat toast with jam. I would rush out the door to get to the hospital for my 6:45am shift. I would be non-stop busy from the minute I walked in the door. By around 9am my stomach would hurt I was so hungry. I would feel anxious and couldn't concentrate on the simplest medication order until I ate. I always had a cliff bar in my lab coat pocket that I would go quickly eat in the bathroom because I had no where to take a break. Then for the rest of the day I would eat about every 2-3 hours, always starving and anxious by the next time I ate. By 3pm, I was exhausted, and craving someth

Struggling to find time to meal prep?

A long time ago before I had kids, my dinner meal ideas came from gourmet magazines like Food & Wine and Bon Apetit (with the perfect wine pairing to boot). Fast forward several years to our first year as parents and that all went out the window. My meals were, well not so gourmet or healthy. A bowl of cereal was about all I had the energy for to make. I have now spent the last ten years as a working mom learning many tricks in the kitchen to get delicious, healthy and easy meals on the table night after night.  Do you want to eat healthier meals and be more fit but struggle to find time to meal plan for the week? Not feeling creative? Picky eaters at home?  You know you need to eat healthier to have more energy, but end up eating out more often than you would like.    Below are my top time-saving tips to help you feel like a master in the kitchen, have more time to focus on your family and feel more energized to do what's important for you. Pre-cook animal proteins (chicken br

7 Sneaky Ways to Boost Your Daily Exercise

  As our lives become increasingly busy, finding the time to fit regular exercise into our daily schedules can be challenging. However, maintaining an active lifestyle is essential for physical and mental well-being. Staying active gives you better sleep and mood, more energy, lower stress levels, and lowers your risk of cardiovascular disease. The good news is that there are plenty of creative and effective ways to sneak exercise into your day, even if you have a packed schedule. Breaking up your exercise into smaller blocks of time (e.g. 10 minutes 3 x day) is really helpful for me.   Here are 7 ideas that can help you maximize your daily activity and stay fit despite your busy lifestyle.   Utilize Your Morning Routine While hitting the snooze button a few more times may be tempting, waking up just 15-20 minutes earlier can give you the extra time needed to fit in some morning exercise. I do this most of my weekday mornings. I have my weights and laptop ready to go in my wo

What food cravings mean and how to satisfy them

  We've all experienced cravings for certain types of food. It's hard to resist the pull of a salty crunch, a sweet treat, or a savory snack. But why do we crave specific foods? And is there any way to satisfy these cravings without overindulging? Let's explore the science behind our most common cravings and how we can manage them.    What Causes Food Cravings? There are several potential causes of food cravings. Hormones, emotions, physical needs, or psychological factors such as stress or boredom may trigger them. Food cravings are often associated with certain times of the day or week, like after dinner or on weekends. This could be due to habits formed over time or changes in our daily routines.   Psychological Cravings  We often associate food cravings with our emotions; when we're feeling stressed, lonely, or bored, a craving for comfort food can settle in. Primary food gaps are the #1 reason for emotional eating and overeating. The primary foods we m