The average woman spends 17 years of her life dieting. 45% of American women are on a diet on any given day. Imagine how many of your dreams can come true with that time? Write a book, start a non-profit, create a life-changing business! What is even more upsetting is that it begins at a very young age. 51% of 9-10 year-old girls feel better about themselves if they are on a diet. The diet industry loves this and targets young girls and women. The total U.S. weight loss industry has grown to a historic peak of $90 billion in 2023. We are stuck in this vicious cycle of losing weight and 95% of dieters regaining it back, only to go back on another diet. Diets are stealing our time, energy, and money. We are constantly getting the message to make ourselves smaller to be "more worthy" which couldn't be farther from the truth. As long as you are distracted by shrinking yourself you aren't expanding your life. WE CAN CHANGE THIS MINDSET. My...
Hi, I am Stephanie, a Doctor of Pharmacy and owner of Master Her Health. I help women in their 40s get more energy, build confidence, and lose lower belly weight so they can live a life they love.