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Showing posts from July, 2024

Easy summer dinner (no cooking required) for women in their 40s

  Don’t laugh, but… Lentils are a girl’s best friend. Hey, I said don’t laugh! 😂 I’m serious. If you have lentils, you can have a super quick summer meal in seconds. And lentils are full of fiber which keeps your weight healthy and your energy up. Like I said…girl’s best friend. This meal is definitely part of my summer rotation. (And I have a feeling it might become one of your favorites, too.) And the best part? The whole thing comes together in 10 minutes.  Enjoy! Honey Mustard Lentil Salad (4 servings) 2 tbsps Whole Grain Mustard 2 tbsps Lemon Juice 2 tbsps Honey 1/2 tsp Sea Salt 1/4 cup Shallot (thinly sliced) 2 1/2 cups Lentils (cooked) 3 cups Baby Spinach Directions: In a mixing bowl, whisk together the mustard, lemon juice, honey, and salt. Gently toss in the shallots, lentils, and spinach until well incorporated. Divide onto plates and enjoy! Stephanie P.S. Take my free assessment to see the top 3 areas in your life that need some TLC and get to the root of lower belly weigh

3 unexpected ways for women in their 40s to protect their skin this summer

 I hope you’re making time in your busy schedule to soak up all the delicious vitamin D summer has to offer! Low Vitamin D is very common, and this gets worse in our 40s+ (aka perimenopause). Low levels make you susceptible to osteoporosis. Healthy levels can regulate your mood and support immune and heart health. But, of course, make sure you’re not overdoing it. I know what you’re thinking…just add some sunscreen and call it a day, right? Well… Not all sunscreens are created equal. In fact, many conventional brands are loaded with icky chemicals. But don’t worry… Here are my top 3 ways to outsmart the sun (no questionable sunscreen required): 1-Eat your sunblock instead? See, the foods we eat play a huge role in our skin’s health and resilience. So load up on antioxidant-rich goodies like berries, leafy greens, and healthy fats (like avocados) to help your skin defend against sun damage. Will these nutrient-dense foods protect you from sunburn if you spend all day at the beach? Not e

The Power of Fiber to Decrease Perimenopause Symptoms

  Want to effortlessly ease your perimenopause symptoms? Time to bring out the power beans (or any other high-fiber foods if beans aren't your thing)! Fiber isn't just great for your digestive health—it's a powerhouse for overall well-being. Shockingly, less than 5% of us get the recommended 25g of fiber daily (especially important for women). Chances are, you're not getting enough either. Boosting your fiber intake can be a game-changer! Why is fiber is so important? Weight Management When we eat foods with fiber, our gut bacteria make short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs). These SCFAs help reduce inflammation, boost our immune system, lower blood sugar spikes, and decrease the risk of chronic diseases. SCFAs also make us feel full by stimulating hormones like leptin, PYY, and GLP-1, which help control our appetite. Fiber-rich foods reduce the hunger hormone ghrelin, making us feel less hungry and reduces cravings. Studies show that high-fiber diets make high-calorie foods l