Have you been struggling with heavy periods, migraines, sleep issues, cramps, or night sweats to name a few???
These seed & nut mixes may be the tool for you. When I first heard about seed cycling I thought it sounded very crunchy and hard to do. Then I realized I already eat some of these nuts and seeds. It was just a matter of planning which ones when.
How does it work? It's fairly straightforward. The seed hulls contain lignans, which are chemicals that help bind up excess hormones, while the seed oils contain essential fatty acids that provide the building blocks for making hormones. Seed cycle is including different seeds during the different phases of your menstrual cycle.
How long does it take to work? It may take a 3-4 months to notice a change so don't give up right away. If you don’t see an improvement after 3-4 months, consider reaching out to chat with me about additional help in balancing your hormones.
Below are two recipes that are super delicious & nourishing. They have a balance of healthy fats, protein & fiber to keep you full & balance your blood sugars:)
Follicular Phase Nut & Seed Mix
(consume one serving daily from days 1-14 of menstrual cycle)
Recipe makes 14 servings:
Serving Size: One serving is about 3 tablespoons of the seed mixture.
1 cup Whole Flax Seeds
1 cup Pumpkin Seeds
1/2 cup Almonds (chopped)
1/2 cup Hemp Seeds
Add all ingredients to a food processor or blender and pulse until a fine crumb forms. Do not overmix.
Transfer to an airtight container. Enjoy!
Serve it with oats, cereals, yogurt, smoothies, pancakes, energy bites, or sprinkle on top of salads.
Leftovers: Keep refrigerated or freeze until ready to use.
Nut-Free: Omit the almonds or use unsweetened shredded coconut instead.
No Hemp Seeds: Use chia seeds instead.
No Food Processor: Use a coffee grinder or personal blender with a milling blade.
If you don't want to make the recipe above just consume 1 Tablespoon of ORGANIC, RAW and GROUND FLAX seeds and 1 Tablespoon of ORGANIC, RAW and GROUND PUMPKIN seeds during days 1-14.
Luteal Phase Sesame and Sunflower Seed Mix:
(consume one serving daily on cycle days 14-28)
Serving Size: One serving is about 3 tablespoons of the seed mixture.
1 cup Sesame Seeds (white or black)
1 cup Sunflower Seeds
1/2 cup Unsweetened Shredded Coconut
1/2 cup Chia Seeds
Directions: Same as Follicular phase recipe.
Notes (same as Follicular phase recipe plus below)
No Chia Seeds: Use hemp seeds instead.
No Coconut: Omit or use a chopped nut, like almonds or walnuts, instead.
If you don't want to make the recipe above just consume 1 Tablespoon of ORGANIC, RAW and GROUND SESAME seeds. 1 Tablespoon of ORGANIC, RAW and GROUND SUNFLOWER seeds on cycle days 14-28.
P.S. Looking for more ways to balance your hormones? Check out my free guide 10 Ways to Sustainable Weight Loss here.
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